
The domain was abandoned by the current business owner several years ago and was commandeered by a domain squatter who purchased the domain with the intent of selling it at an inflated price.

When it became clear that no one wanted the domain or was willing to pay for it, the "Friends of Renner's Grill" stepped up to purchase it, with the sole intention of preserving the long history and legacy of this Multnomah Village institution. We hope to eventually assemble historic images, articles, and photographs to post to this site. We are NOT affiliated or associated with the actual business (Renner's Grill) and only maintain this site in an attempt to keep the history and memory of Milo and Bessie Renner alive and to honor the innumerable neighbors, friends, and family who have passed through the doors and shared their life experiences at Renner's Grill.

Please share any comments, suggestions, or images by sending us an email to:

We look forward to building this website with the help of the community and will do our best to respond to your inquiries. If you would like to help or join our group, please contact us via email. Thank you.

The Friends of Renner's Grill